gisvm_postgis Your free Geospatial Database Server companion, based on PostgreSQL and PostGIS server software.

It’s a ready to use and lightweight virtual machine, based on Ubuntu Server LTS, that runs in the background.

It offers you PostgreSQL/PostGIS, a free geospatial database server solution, to store your GIS data and use it directly or with any GIS Desktop application, such as QGIS.

Download DOWNLOAD – GISVM PostGIS for a 5 Euros distributing fee
Note: Why distributing free software for a fee? Thank you!


ubuntu1404LTS_server Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server 32bit

  • Private (NAT) & Local (Bridge) networks
  • Apache2 Web server & PHP5
  • Samba – windows network
  • OpenSSH
  • Webmin 1.780
  • Shellinabox
Postgis_1 PostgreSQL 9.5.0

  • PostGIS 2.2.1
  • phpPgAdmin 5.1
  • postgis sample database
  • natural earth sample data

Have a look at the QUICK START MANUAL bellow to understand how to run and use GISVM PostGIS:

Download DOWNLOAD – GISVM PostGIS for a 5 Euros distributing fee
Note: Why distributing free software for a fee? Thank you!

Have fun!